"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep" - Scott Adams

Monday, March 7, 2011

Points in Typography

_ What are the advantages of a multiple column grid.?
Allows you to easily organize large amounts of text, room to experiment with the typography, clean

_ How many characters is optimal for a line length? words per line?
40 to 50 characters (including letters, punctuation, spaces)

_ Why is the baseline grid used in design?
Establishes as ordered system that is uniform through out the layout unifying multiple sizes of type.

_ What is a typographic river?
The sting of gaps created with justification

_ From the readings what does clothesline or flow line mean?
The horizontal line created to carry the eye through the page...where the text hangs

_ How can you incorporate white space into your designs?
Ragging the text instead of justification, little things that are called out (used with justification), adjusting type size and leading/tracking

_ What is type color/texture mean?
Bold, weight, size, leading and tracking, column width

_ What is x-height, how does it effect type color?
The hight of lowercase character sans any ascenders or descenders

_ In justification or H&J terms what do the numbers: minimum, optimum, maximum mean?
Restrictions on the spacing between the letters

_ What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph. Are there any rules?
Do not indent the first line, when indenting – no use .5 indent but less, (equal to leading) do not indent if there is a space between paragraphs

_ What are some things to look out for when hyphenating text?
No have two letters left behind (de-sign), words that are four letters two syllables, no hyphenate names. Lonely words on line above (the, of, in)

_ What is a literature?
two letters that will become physically combined into one letter (fi, tt, ffi)

_ What does CMYK and RGB mean?
additive v. subtractive (internet is RGB, just stay consistent)

_ What does hanging punctuation mean?
text aligns and punctuation hangs out

_ What is the difference between a foot mark and an apostrophe?
Foot mark is straight

_ What is the difference between an inch mark and a quote mark (smart quote)?
Inch mark is straight, quote mark is curved/angled

_ What is a hyphen, en dash and em dashes, what are the differences and when are they used?
shouldn't have three hyphens in a row – something is wrong, avoid completely in call outs, en dash is used in dates and breaks of thoughts with a space on either side, em dash is the longest – option shift dash with no spaces

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